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Seizure Recovery: What to Expect For Your Dog After a Seizure And How to Help Them

Updated: Jun 23

Seizure Recovery: What to Expect For Your Dog After a Seizure And How to Help Them

In this guide, we'll delve into the post-ictal phase of seizures in dogs, common behaviours to watch out for, and how you can provide support during this time.

Understanding the Post-Ictal Phase

The post-ictal phase, which follows the seizure event, is a critical period for your dog's recovery. During this time, the brain is in a state of recovery and restoration, attempting to regain normal function after the abnormal electrical activity that occurs during a seizure. While the duration and intensity of the post-ictal phase can vary depending on the individual dog and the severity of the seizure, it generally involves a series of physiological and behavioural changes.

Neurological Recovery: The brain undergoes a process of neurological recovery during the post-ictal phase, with neurons working to return to their normal state. This can result in temporary neurological deficits, such as disorientation, confusion, or temporary blindness, as the brain functions slowly return to baseline.

Metabolic Changes: Seizures can be physically taxing on the body, leading to metabolic changes and energy depletion. During the post-ictal phase, your dog may exhibit signs of fatigue, lethargy, or weakness as their body works to replenish lost energy stores and recover from the episode.

Emotional and Behavioural Changes: Dogs may experience a range of emotional and behavioural changes during the post-ictal phase, including restlessness, anxiety, or agitation. They may seek comfort and reassurance from their owners or exhibit pacing, whining, or other signs of distress as they navigate through the recovery process.

Increased Risk of Seizures: It's important to note that dogs are at an increased risk of experiencing additional seizures during the post-ictal phase. This period of vulnerability is known as the "cluster seizure" phenomenon, where multiple seizures occur within a short time frame. Monitoring your dog closely and providing appropriate care and support can help mitigate this risk.

Gradual Resolution: In most cases, the symptoms of the post-ictal phase gradually resolve over time as the brain and body recover from the seizure episode. However, it's essential to monitor your dog closely during this time and seek veterinary attention if you notice any concerning or persistent symptoms.


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Common Behaviours

Disorientation: Your dog may appear confused or disoriented, wandering aimlessly or having difficulty recognising familiar surroundings.

Fatigue: Seizures can be physically and mentally exhausting for your dog, leading to increased sleepiness or lethargy during the post-ictal phase.

Temporary Blindness: Some dogs may experience temporary blindness or impaired vision after a seizure, which usually resolves within a few hours.

Increased Thirst and Hunger: Your dog may exhibit heightened thirst and hunger after a seizure, as their body attempts to recover and replenish lost fluids and energy.

Restlessness or Anxiety: Your dog may exhibit restlessness or anxiety, pacing or whining, as they struggle to settle back into their normal routine.


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How to Support Your Dog

Provide a Safe Environment: Ensure your dog is in a safe and comfortable environment, free from any potential hazards that could cause injury during their recovery period. Remove sharp objects or obstacles that could pose a risk, and consider using baby gates to confine your dog to a safe area if necessary.

Offer Comfort and Reassurance: Comfort your dog with gentle strokes and reassuring words, helping to alleviate any anxiety or distress they may be experiencing. Create a calm and soothing atmosphere by dimming lights and reducing noise levels, which can help your dog relax and feel more secure.

Monitor Vital Signs: Keep an eye on your dog's vital signs, such as breathing rate, heart rate, and body temperature, during the post-ictal phase. Any abnormal changes, such as difficulty breathing or excessive panting, should be promptly addressed by seeking veterinary care.

Encourage Rest and Hydration: Encourage your dog to rest and drink plenty of water to help them recover from the seizure and prevent dehydration. Offer small, frequent meals to help replenish lost nutrients and energy, and ensure access to fresh water at all times.

Follow Up with Your Veterinarian: Schedule a follow-up appointment with your veterinarian to discuss your dog's seizure episode and any ongoing treatment or management strategies. Your vet may recommend additional diagnostic tests, such as blood work or neurological exams, to identify any underlying causes of the seizures and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

When to Seek Veterinary Care

While most dogs recover from seizures without any long-term consequences, there are certain situations where veterinary care may be necessary:

  1. Seizure Duration: If your dog's seizure lasts longer than five minutes or if they experience multiple seizures within a short time frame, it's essential to seek immediate veterinary attention. Prolonged or clustered seizures can be life-threatening and require emergency medical intervention.

  2. Difficulty Breathing: If your dog experiences difficulty breathing or shows signs of respiratory distress during or after a seizure, seek veterinary care immediately. Respiratory complications can occur as a result of the seizure activity and may require prompt treatment to prevent further complications.

  3. Persistent Neurological Deficits: If your dog exhibits persistent neurological deficits, such as weakness or paralysis, following a seizure, it could indicate underlying brain damage or other serious complications. Contact your veterinarian for further evaluation and treatment options.

Conclusion: Seizure Recovery: What to Expect For Your Dog After a Seizure And How to Help Them

Understanding the post-ictal phase is crucial for providing the best possible care and support for your dog after a seizure. By recognising the physiological and behavioural changes that occur during this time and taking proactive measures to ensure your dog's comfort and safety, you can help them navigate through the recovery process with care and compassion.

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